Prototypical Site and Monitoring Design Tool

EEMDL will develop detailed models of emissions from prototypical sites.  Prototypical sites will vary by geographical location, position in the supply chain, and other factors.  Emissions will be estimated using the Methane Emissions Estimation Tool (MEET), which will need to be updated to incorporate a variety of new emission sources. Tools for exploring the emissions from prototypical sites will be made publicly available through online web interfaces.  Using these tools will allow for exploration of the variability in methane emissions across different site types, and how monitoring survey frequency and technology choices will affect the confidence internals of measured emissions estimates. The following tasks will be completed by Q4 2023.

  • Site configurations will be established for a variety of prototypical sites. Three general categories of prototypical sites will be created in Year 1. The first category will be sites differentiated by production basin. Initial focus will be on the Marcellus basin, leveraging other efforts underway in those regions. Multiple configurations for well sites, tank batteries, and gathering and boosting sites are needed to adequately represent the variability in site types in each basin. A second type of prototypical site will be gas processing, compression, and liquefaction facilities. These facility types are not expected to have as much basin-to-basin variability as well sites, tank battery and gathering and boosting sites. However, multiple prototypical configurations, or a standard method to develop site-specific configurations, are required to reflect the size, configuration, and vintage of the facilities. A third type of prototypical site will be international facilities. These prototypical facilities will be used to illustrate reasons for differences between North American and international supply chains and will focus on locations where there are emerging efforts in emissions accounting.

  • The MEET tool will be used to estimate emission time series for prototypical sites in North America. Emission time series will be constructed to reflect a variety of assumptions concerning failure modes that result in large emission events, leak frequencies and other operational or control parameters that impact emissions.